Incontinence in pets

Incontinence is an unwanted loss of urine. However, many people are not aware that not only humans can suffer from incontinence, but also animals such as dogs and cats.  This is completely independent of their breed and sex. Signs of incontinence are not only large urine pools, but also small droplets can already indicate that the pet suffers from this problem.

Causes of incontinence

In most cases, incontinence occurs in older pets as they are no longer able to fully control their sphincter muscle of the bladder and therefore leak urine unintentionally. But psychological causes or an accident can also cause the pet to suddenly become incontinent.

In an accident, certain nerves can be damaged, which means that the sphincter muscle of the bladder can no longer be properly controlled. Castrated pets can also suffer from incontinence. Tumours in the bladder or in the urinary tract as well as urinary stones or polyps can also cause the pet to become unclean.

In the case of psychological causes, it can happen that the pet loses a little urine, for example, during a joyful greeting. However, stress and anxiety can also cause incontinence.

Treatment options

The treatment options depend entirely on the cause of the incontinence. In any case, the incontinence of your pet should be discussed with a veterinarian so that medication or surgery can be performed if necessary.

Cleaning the urine stains

Incontinence usually lasts longer, which makes it all the more important for pet owners to use the right cleaning products. Urine stains from pets are difficult to remove, as commercial cleaning products are powerless against the urine components. OptiPet offers the solution against urine stains and unpleasant odours. Thanks to bioactive enzymes, the products specifically clean stains and odours caused by pets such as urine, faeces and even vomit and blood.