SPOT ON against ticks
Whether long or short hair, patterned or plain – ticks make no halt to any fur. Pets that are often outdoors and wander through forests and meadows are particularly at risk. And although pets themselves do a lot to ensure that their fur is always well groomed and not covered with parasites, there are places they cannot reach themselves.
Pets are particularly dependent on our help in the neck area, behind or in the ears, on the chin and on the chest. In more easily accessible places, the animals can often remove the pests themselves by scratching or biting them off. If they cannot do this themselves, it is possible that a tick that can be as big as a marble and is soaked full can harm the pet. Ticks are not only disgusting, but can also transmit diseases.
As a precaution against infestation by ticks and other parasites, products such as the SPOT ON, with which specific regions can be treated, or a pest collar, which has a duration of action of around 5 months, are used. In high-risk areas, the combined use of different products is recommended.
Dangerous diseases
Although cats are less at risk of diseases than dogs, there is still a risk that cats can become as seriously ill as dogs. Among the most dangerous diseases are Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). Symptoms are fever attacks, loss of appetite and changing lameness in the legs. The dangerous thing about Lyme disease is that the typical appearance of skin redness is concealed by the coat. If the symptoms are not recognized, the pathogens can damage the joints and in some cases even attack the central nervous system. If this happens, there is a risk of permanent symptoms. If detected early, Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics. However, even afterwards, isolated attacks of the disease can still occur.
How can a tick be removed?
In order to remove ticks quickly, painlessly and completely, it is important to have the right tool at hand to prevent residues from remaining in the skin. With OptiPet’s TICK REMOVER ticks can be easily removed. To do this, place them under the tick and turn them until the tick comes loose. Caution: Do not exert any pressure on the tick.